Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Just an excuse ...

This is written to be the answer of that dear friend who said:" I love martyrs... .",

About 25 years ago, something happened in this country,Iran.and so many people,
young boys and girls ,at about our age missed their lives for something which was
worthful for them.They did something great &honorific.

About 2 years later that streetviser country, lit up the fire of war between this country
and Iraq,that time, too, so many people almost the whole country, again, defend for thier
children, homes, birth places. Their country.

To make the life for their children comfortable and far from war fire... .

They did great things, they gave in abundance, their lives just for their purpose and us.
All of us have to respect and appreciate them . But,the only thing is that we must not live
in the past,but now, we must live just with their memory, we have to remind them by
reconstructing the remains.

Go, go &don't look back at your past, just keep it in your memory, don't forget it,
keep trying.This is the only way to let them be alive... .

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